Health Care Professional Burnout
As a therapist, I have had the privilege of working closely with these dedicated individuals, listening to their stories, and witnessing the profound toll that medical staff & nurse practitioner burnout can take on their physical and emotional well-being. In this blog, I will shed light on this critical issue, offering insights into how medical staff & nurse practitioner burnout can be understood and addressed.
Signs & Symptoms of Caregiver Burnout
Caregiver burnout is a topic that often gets overlooked in discussions about mental health and well-being. It affects more than 19,000,000 Americans every year. As a therapist with 14 years of experience working with caregivers and their loved ones, I have witnessed firsthand the toll that caregiving can take on individuals.
How to Grieve a Pet
Grief is a natural response to the loss of any loved one, and the loss of a pet is no exception. However, society's understanding of pet loss often falls short, leading many to underestimate the intensity and duration of the grief you experience.
Why Many Women Choose a Female Therapist…and Why That’s OK
As a therapist I am trained to work with all genders equally and while I provide therapy to people from all walks of life. While therapists come in all genders and backgrounds, it's very common for women to prefer a female therapist.